RSF-Off Road Cycling In The UK
Rides & Events calendar
The RSF admin team must also point out that rides designated as members rides are precisely that, rides organised by a member and advertised here in case other members may wish to join them. We also request that all members putting a ride on add their name to the RSF ride leaders list to be covered under our insurance which you can read here. Adding your name is as simple as emailing the secretary and requesting your name be added to our ride leaders list.
Reddish, two ways ! Perhaps more ?

Wednesday 8th March 2023, 10.00 for a 10.15AM departure.
As ‘my’ Jan & Feb rides were in the same week (3rd Wed) as the Saddo’s Ride, I have decided to move ’them’ for now to the 2nd Wed of the month.
Meet at Poynton Park, Car Park, free last time I cycled by which was a few days ago.
South Park Drive just off the A523. Nearest Post Code is SK12 1BN.
It’s not a massive car park, perhaps 20 spaces in total. Used a lot by dog walkers etc but I don’t think our numbers should cause any problem. What are our numbers ?
StreetMap Link
The arrow marks the car park.
Weather conditions on the day may change things but….
It’s mostly, maybe completely, a gentle pootle of a ride, clockwise into and through Stockport.
From our start in Poynton we will head to Bramhall Park for coffee via Happy Valley or 'Reddish Woods'. Then to Lulu’s at Decathalon for lunch, via Micker Book and the Lady Brook valley, Mosely Hall, Abney Hall and the Mersey Valley & TPT. After lunch we will go up and then down in to Reddish Vale, and via Portwood to the Goyt Way, Middlewood Way back to Poynton.
Approx 24 gentle-ish miles and about 1000 ft of ascent.
Bring your lights but I don’t intend being out that late ! More importantly, bring your waterproofs and warm gloves ????
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Your name will appear on a list below and help ride leaders anticipate numbers. Please note it is not a requirement to do this. .
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