It was a chilly afternoon on leaving the camp site at Lytham. Eddie found two new off road cycle routes which saved us lots of time and we arrived at Fairhaven Lake with half an hour to spare so we cycled around the lake to The Lake Side Café and had a hot cupper to warm us through.
Getting near the time to meet at four p.m. in the car park we spotted a yellow coat, John rode around to the other side of the lake to see if it was anyone who was joining us for the ride, It was Jim from Lancs. We caught up and introduced ourselves. We waited until four pm. and no one else appeared so we set off. We had not gone very far when Jackie appeared beside us. So with one electric trike and one electric recombrant and one hybrid and two mountain bikes, our small party carried on. It was a brisk sea breeze in our faces as we carried on up the prom to Cleavelys, passing the Pleasure Beach and the screaming participants of the Big Dipper, watching the folks having fun spiralling down from a great height and up to do it over and over again made me realise I must have been crazy as a kid.
After this performance we carried on, most of us thought the rain was coming at us but ever optimistic John said it was sea spray, who are we to contradict?
It didn't last long and has the afternoon wore on the day brightened. We arrived in Cleavleys in plenty time for tea at Weatherspoons. Jackie having the new experience, never having stepped inside one before. Being Tuesday we had landed on Steak Night, which we all participated in with relish except one.
Setting off again we rode through the back streets down to Bispham and the King Centre. There, they were giving away teas and coffees and refreshments to thousands of riders out to enjoy the lights.
Everyone was allowed into the centre to listen to the live band. Out side lots of the King Centre, Volunteers all wore a bright orange T/Shirt so they were recognisable and we met one helper named Ann who was very interested in what we had to say about the RSF, and Ann, in turn, told us about the refreshments.
Once we set off back through the lights, because of the huge number of cyclists, and all shapes and sizes of bicycles. It was every man for themselves, although we kept together really well, meeting up to regroup at certain places along the golden mile. Once through the lights and we made our way back down to the Lake where we said good bye to Jackie and Jim. Then the four of us made our way back to the camp site a quick shower and bed.
Thank you to those who turned out, It was a fun run and the company good.
Irene Hitchen.