Thankfully the torrential rain of Monday gave way to a pleasant and, crucially, dry day, not too warm, perfect for a bit of a challenge.
Fifteen riders assembled at the Lime Kiln where we welcomed Eric, a new recruit from the York Rally, and off we set with a vengeance. Although Hollingworth Lake isn’t that far away, there are a lot of climbs to get over on the way.
A swift run down the Delph Donkey and a scurry along the track which follows Hull Brook took us to Castleshaw Reservoir but not before we had to say farewell to John who had had an unexpected dismount along the way. So, trying to impress a group of Duke of Edinburgh school kids from Bradford at the foot of Low Gate Lane, the toughest climb of the day, we each made our slow progress up the hill, some in the saddle considerably longer than others!
Following the Pennine Bridleway we climbed a bit further along-side Broadhead Noddle before plunging down again to Dowry reservoir where we repeated the trick of trying to impress some more D of E-ers at the foot of another steep climb, Dowry Road. I don’t think many were that impressed.
The PB then takes us along Readycon Dean reservoir, up to the Ram’s Head on the A672 Ripponden Road then plunges down to Piethorne reservoir - a thrilling descent. But there are consequences of thrilling descents to the valley bottom and the inevitable climb up Tunshill Lane taxed our lungs and legs which in the main were walking! A final gleeful descent took us under the M62 and on to Rakewood and lunch at Hollingworth Lake Cafe.
Sitting out in the sunshine had been the idea; we huddled inside trying to keep warm!
Refreshed we set off heading away and up from the Lake along a friendly bridleway called Deep Lane then past Tunshill Golf Course and back over the M62. The climbing continued until we reached the spot where our last descent of the morning commenced. This time we took the United Utilities Permissive Bridleway towards Ogden reservoir: memo to self, buy a key for the gates from United Utilities as it was a pain lumping a dozen or so bikes over the resolutely locked gates!
From Higher Ogden the old track climbs steadily towards the crest of the A640 and we sped cheerily down towards Denshaw. Here our group split. Those wishing to make a speedy return took the road while half a dozen of us attempted one more climb, really with the aim of enjoying riding down Low Gate Lane which had so taxed us at the start of the day. Surprisingly Ox Hey Lane proved a forgiving climb and we paused at the top to admire the view of the Castleshaw Valley before making our way down in our various styles and speeds.
Downhill all the way to the Donkey and home in time for tea - or even a Peroni or two!
Thanks to everyone for great company and exceedingly good sheer on a very challenging ride.
22 miles and about 3200 feet of climbing!
Rob Newton
Watch an animation of the route here:
More of my photos can be viewed on Flickr here:
And Roger's photos and videos here:
{gpxtrackmap}/rslnewton/gpxtracks/Hollingworth Lake Hill Climber.gpx{/gpxtrackmap}