I don't normally write a report for these rides but as this was Jim's first attempt I'll make an exception. 10 of us met at the Pavillion Cafe on Avenham Park in glorious weather and Jim led us out of the park on the Guild Wheel.
We didn't stay on the Guild Wheel for long as we were led through various housing estates to the Preston end of the Lancaster Canal. This we followed to the UCLAN sports ground were the once mundane Final Whistle Cafe has been taken over by the folks who run Roots Cafe and is now excellent (as my bacon butty would testify to this if I hadn't ate it). From there we pretty much did follow the Guild Wheel back to the start with a few interesting diversions to keep us all on our toes. It was an excellent day, well led, sun shining with an excellent lunch stop, we did only about 11 miles and all 10 people on the ride enjoyed it and got back safely.
Geoff Smith