RSF - The Off Road Cycling Club

The Adventure Starts Here

Once again Paula was kind to us, opening her Victorian Tea Room at Turton Towera half hour early; what this meant was, we could set off up the hill refreshed; how could this have been accomplished without a bracing cuppa? Thanks Paula.

Today, Charlie, Keith and Sue’s grandson had arranged to borrow Frank’s Chariot from his mother Georgie. Keith was to provide the motive power whilst Charlie would enjoy a smoothly suspended ride, and enjoy it he did, on this his first ride with the Fellowship. Colin had his first ride with us today too, although he had to provide his own traction; I hope he enjoyed it as much as Charlie.

During today’s run we would never be far away from Billy Brook, which rises on Cheetham Close, to flow through the Chapeltown Valley to Jumbles Reservoir.To first cross it we had to climb the Witton Weavers Way past Clough House Farmand across the tree lined valley where it is culverted below the track. Staying on theWWW (not the World Wide Web I hasten to add!) to Entwistle Reservoir with its myriad conifer plantations, you could be forgiven for thinking we had strayed into the Lake District, or the more distant climes of Bonnie Scotland. This assuredly is a beautiful and scenic spot.

Climbing from the reservoir’s embankment we rode as far as Entwistle’s Strawbury Duck where we crossed the railway bridge to Entwistle Hall Lane, then down Crow Trees lane to cross Wayoh Reservoir and join Hob Lane to climb to Edgworth.

At the top of Hob Lane the decision had to be made whether to ride up the School Lane track to Crowthorn, or not; Keith, Sue and Charlie went directly to the Village Tea Room, whilst everyone else tackled the climb. Although I have to say there was one very reluctant rider, Mac -- -- Grandad Dave had some difficulty in persuading him to get going, and half way up when stopped for a rest Mac was heard to say “well I was younger last time I climbed this hill”, perhaps at eleven years old one should be considering taking things a little easier. Well done for reaching the topMac!

We stopped for nourishment at the Edgworth Village Tea Room, once again Jan and her staff provided us with their excellent fare, or should I say it embiggens me to mention their cromulent comestibles? All you Simpsonistas will understand this!

Leaving Edgworth we went down through the village to cross the southern embankment of the Wayoh Reservoir and climbed up into Chapeltown. Just across the first field can be seen a stone arched railway bridge, next to which flows Billy Brook as it meanders its way down the valley.

In the village we took a right turn into Kay Street and on to Station Road, here Billy Brook was culverted below us, and flows through the field to disappear under Lithermans Bridge to its confluence with Bradshaw Brook before flowing into Jumbles Reservoir.Next, turning into the Turton Tower Estate we wandered through the woods back to the start. Mmm, (pondering) should we have another cuppa before cycling home?

Cycling, at times, can be really hard work having to make such decisions, and yesKen and I had another drink before riding off home.All in all a delightful ride in delightful company, and yes, delightful weather too.Thank you all.


View the photos I took of the ride here on our Flickr account.

See you all next week at Towneley Park for our visit to Gawthorpe Hall, Brian.