Some first impressions of an RSF ride:
My first RSF outing, hopefully not my last. I met John, Malcolm & Graham at Cycle Promotions in Worsborough, a shop full of cycling bits and bikes, quite a bit of which I wouldn't have a clue where it went or what it did. The weather was appalling: cold, wet and grey.
We hung around in the hope that the rain might ease, it didn't. The days intended route to Conisborough was shortened. Bikes assembled, suitable clothing donned we set out along the Trans Pennine Canal, sorry Trail. I was soon wet and my feet were soaked which meant I didn't have to bother skirting the puddles and mud. I had on some allegedly waterproof gloves that managed to let water in but the proofing stopped me squeezing it out again!
We were all feeling the cold so pulled into The Old Moor Reserve for a break, hot drink and something to eat at their cafe. I fantasized about a log fire but even the radiators were off. A sign on the balcony door declared the area closed due to ice, an old sign but not too far from the truth.
Back in the saddle John guided us through Bolton on Dearne to the Cafe Bijou at Goldthorpe. More tea and home made soup at this excellent friendly cafe.
Through Thurnscoe and on to Darfield including a couple of inclines which generated some welcome bodily warmth. We were all uncomfortable now so had another brew stop at the fantastic Maurice Dobson Museum and Heritage Centre in Darfield and then a quick return to the TPT and Worsborough in marginally better conditions.
Despite the weather I enjoyed the 20 mile ride but probably enjoyed the tea and chat a bit more.
Thanks to John for the navigation, and all three for the company.
Andrew Kirby Scunthorpe