RSF - The Off Road Cycling Club

The Adventure Starts Here


“Life is like a 10-speed bicycle. Most of us have gears we never use.” - Charles M. Schultz, creator of the Peanuts comic strip


All content in the journals is copyright either of the RSF or the author or indeed both. It's use without permission will result in a stiff memo. If you would like to use an article or images please contact the general secretary in the first instance

Rejecting the more elaborate comforts of “the room”, we fqref gathered in front of the roaring fire of the inn kitchen — a kitchen that would delight the heart of Frank Patterson (this was the simul taneous though of each of us) with its brasses and pewter, its bench, its old table and chairs—and there we supped and yarned. It was the plant of three of us on the morrow to attempt the passage of the Berwyn Mountains
It is very interesting to conjecture what results would follow a changeover by the masses to a greater appreciation of and partici pation in the “free” things of life, including the forgotten joys of cycling. Perhaps strikes for higher wages with their concomitant effect on power supplies, not to mention the cost of living, might become less fashionable. I write with some feeling on the subject, trying to type an editorial with numb fingers in an all-electric house during a power-cut (the fourth in two days) ! 
One afternoon, “Robbie” and I were approaching the top of Horseshoe Pass, when the win dow of a stationary car opened and out came some screwed-up papers and other rubbish onto the side of the road. “Wayfarer” immediately dismounted, picked the papers up, knocked at the car window, and handed all the rubbish back, with the curt comment, “I think you have dropped these !” I told you he was a conservationist ! 
“A nice easy bit of rough stuff”, I thought, but I was wrong! After a very short distance the track suddenly started to climb steeply and I was lifting the bike over rocks and dragging it up steep wet slabs. After a while the gradient levelled off a bit, but the route was still quite unrideable due to it being both rough and wet. At least I had no problem finding the track which was well defined all the way. As I crossed the summit, the view ahead was spectacular-
I recommend large section tyres, and cantilever type brakes. On my bicycle — Hannival IV — I have three brakes; but also. feet make a very good brake when gravity forces prevail on friction! Some snow has a tendency to accumulate between the wheels and mudguards. You can paint the mudguards with a product used by skiers to slide better — or, take with you something suitable for removing the compressed snow.
A new and youthful face which showed up at this meeting was that of Jim Swan from the Home Counties (South) Group. Perhaps this will help to answer Chater’s criticism that the average age of our Committee is much too high. It is now a little less than it was. We were pleased to hear that the new South Wales Group had got off to a good start (as reported elsewhere), so perhaps we can look forward to seeing Bob Benton at future meetings.

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