RSF - The Off Road Cycling Club

The Adventure Starts Here


“Wheel, kindly light, along life’s cycle path, wheel thou on me! The road is round, I have discerned thy wrath, But wheel me on!” - Christian hymn


All content in the journals is copyright either of the RSF or the author or indeed both. It's use without permission will result in a stiff memo. If you would like to use an article or images please contact the general secretary in the first instance

Not far from Baysville I came upon a stranded car occupied by two women and some children — a flat tyre. I changed the wheel for them and, full of gratitude, they suggested that on my way through Baysville I should stop at Dr. C.’s and have coffee with him. That wasn’t exactly the way they put it. As a matter of fact they probably took me for some land of tramp; for in Canada any adult who rides a bicycle is generally regarded either as belonging to the less desirable classes of society
Across the road and through a field gate we make a discreet detour to keep well away from a wily-looking bull and push through long grass and to the river bank, guided by the sight of two men fishing, but to find that we are cut off by a stream the side of which we have to trek to find a ‘crossing.’ 1 politely help young lady over water then lift her bike across. By the time my iron is over the banks are collapsing and both feet slide gracefully into muddy water !
Some 12 or 15 went on over in the mist and one of the first to reach Langdon Beck was “Hell-Fire” Jack Helliwell. Alan Mepham lost a shoe and it was only a mile later that he realised it was gone; Alwyne Aspinall’s wellingtons — a good idea in normal conditions — only ensured he got bigger bootfulls than the rest, and Gerry Swift in attempting to catch up the rest overtook them all without realising it. No one got over without incident, but undoubtedly the greatest credit is due to Pat Russell........
Once upon a time (as all good fairy stories begin), there lived a shy young girl called Cinderella. Now Cinderella had two dainty feet and as we know she went to a ball wearing two dainty ballet like shoes. Also as we all know she lost a shoe, and what do you know — a handsome Prince Charming found it, and at long last found Cinderella too — and they lived happily ever after. Well what has rough-stuff to do with Cinderella ? Have patience, my friends.
The Scottish Border country is an area which is often by-passed by holiday-makers as they streak northwards to the Highlands, and though the latter are incomparable, the border hills have a unique charm of their own. Quiet roads and vast network of hill tracks offer a feast of enjoyment to the cyclist and especially to those who like to add a little ‘rough-stuff’ to their day’s journey. Peebles, a small town nestling in a hollow in the hills some 25 miles south of Edinburgh offers an excellent centre for a few days riding.
About twelve miles from Banchory is the Bucket Mill. Here are still made the old type wooden pails etc., which have been in use for centuries past, as well as many other beautifully turned wooden articles. It is well worth a visit and is indeed a rarity. Here we begin to enter the hills again and the road climbs slowly still following the river line and ends as we approach Birse Castle where we take to the drive which is itself part of the Fungle Road.

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