RSF - The Off Road Cycling Club

The Adventure Starts Here


“I never want to abandon my bike. I see my grandfather, now in his seventies and riding around everywhere. To me that is beautiful. And the bike must always remain a part of my life.” - Stephen Roche, Irish former professional cyclist


All content in the journals is copyright either of the RSF or the author or indeed both. It's use without permission will result in a stiff memo. If you would like to use an article or images please contact the general secretary in the first instance

Long- long before World War II, in the days of peace and plenty - before the invention of cold wars - when the trains were still running in Liverpool - when summers were summers, and the only thing that was cold was my money lenders heart; the following notice appeared on the club’s ’gen’ board: ’‘December 24 - Yo-Ho Section - Christmas in the Dales - Meet Crown Hotel 2030 pronto” Old-timers will remember the type of winter’s day we wore wont to got in those days, Cold, Dry and bright, 
I ride the lighest cycling shoes there and back, my only concession to the "rough-stuff" part being a pair of old Vibram-soled climbing boots-which I don when actually on the mountain. If anyone doubts the wisdom of this course I advise him (or her) to try it and experience the heavenly feeling of clean dry ankle-socks and light (also dry) cycling shoes when the hard high-road is regained after a particularly soggy crossing.
Albert Winstanley traversed this delightful crossing on 19th April and reports that the box and Visitors’ Book sited at the "Wayfarer Memorial Stone” are in good condition. Up to and including 19th April, 498 travellers had signed the book. Over Easter, 77 signatures had been recorded. There was a signature for New Year’s Day and reference was made to people who had crossed in snow and, one chap by moonlight. The youngest signatory was a boy of 13.
An interest in cycling and even (or should it be especially) in rough-stuff} can be kindled early in life. Soon after Wendy our eldest daughter was born, we began taking her for short trips in her sidecar, gradually building up to ’all day’ runs with picnic lunches, returning home for tea. In winter we occasionally rode with the local CTC Section (Cheltenham) until lunch time, after which we returned home by a direct route. Wendy slept most of the time.
Member Jack Martin writes to say that two riders who crossed the Timmeljoch were stopped by Italian police and forced to return, the police assisting them as far as the Austrian border, this being as yet a forbidden route into Italy. Jack says that the efforts of these two riders are highly commendable, having done the TimmeIjoch twice, although he had done it one way in July and got through
Until recent years, the summit of Dartmoor, composed of the twin peaks called respectively Ygs Tor (2028’) and High Willhays (2039’), has for practical purposes been inaccessible to the public, who could only walk over it - an artillery practice ground - at imminent risk of life and limbo But now that armies, instead of hurling explosive shells at the next mountain, are directing atomic missiles at the continent next-but-one, Dartmoor has ceased to be adequate for artillery practice and is now a National Park.

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