More About The RSF as a Club
The RSF has members scattered across the globe although most, of course, are UK-based. Membership includes free copies of the Journal and access to many other RSF publications. If you're interested in joining, then details can be found here. Other benefits of membership are;
* Bi-monthly RSF journal
* Automatic access to the members' forum
* Unlimited Gpx route downloads from the RSF site
* Add your own personal ride to the 'Rides' calendar
* Put your name down for rides and be automatically updated on changes
* Add links to your favourite cafe, places to stay, or almost anything else to the useful links page
The RSF always promotes responsible access to the countryside, as such, we have a Code of Practice, which members are asked to adhere to.
For legal reasons, the RSF has formed itself into a Company. More details of this, and insurance issues, can be found on the Legal & Admin page.
The RSF also publishes the bi-monthly Rough-Stuff Journal which is circulated to members free of charge. The Journal includes a wealth of news and trip reports from around the UK and further afield. Below is an abridged copy of the latest edition which will be landing on our members' doormats shortly.